Write yourself a Git!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This article is an attempt at explaining the Git version control system from the bottom up, that is, starting at the most fundamental level moving up from there. This does not sound too easy, and has been attempted multiple times with questionable success. But there’s an easy way: all it takes to understand Git internals is to reimplement Git from scratch.

No, don’t run.

It’s not a joke, and it’s really not complicated: if you read this article top to bottom and write the code (or just download it as a ZIP — but you should write the code yourself, really), you’ll end up with a program, called wyag, that will implement all the fundamental features of git: init, add, rm, status, commit, log… in a way that is perfectly compatible with git itself — compatible enough that the commit finally adding the section on commits was created by wyag itself, not git. And all that in exactly 989 lines of very simple Python code.

But isn’t Git too complex for that? That Git is complex is, in my opinion, a misconception. Git is a large program, with a lot of features, that’s true. But the core of that program is actually extremely simple, and its apparent complexity stems first from the fact it’s often deeply counterintuitive (and Git is a burrito blog posts probably don’t help). But maybe what makes Git the most confusing is the extreme simplicity and power of its core model. The combination of core simplicity and powerful applications often makes thing really hard to grasp, because of the mental jump required to derive the variety of applications from the essential simplicity of the fundamental abstraction (monads, anyone?)

Implementing Git will expose its fundamentals in all their naked glory.

What to expect? This article will implement and explain in great details (if something is not clear, please report it!) a very simplified version of Git core commands. I will keep the code simple and to the point, so wyag won’t come anywhere near the power of the real git command-line — but what’s missing will be obvious, and trivial to implement by anyone who wants to give it a try. “Upgrading wyag to a full-featured git library and CLI is left as an exercise to the reader”, as they say.

More precisely, we’ll implement:

You’re not going to need to know much to follow this article: just some basic Git (obviously), some basic Python, some basic shell.

  • First, I’m only going to assume some level of familiarity with the most basic git commands — nothing like an expert level, but if you’ve never used init, add, rm, commit or checkout, you will be lost.
  • Language-wise, wyag will be implemented in Python. Again, I won’t use anything too fancy, and Python looks like pseudo-code anyways, so it will be easy to follow (ironically, the most complicated part will be the command-line arguments parsing logic, and you don’t really need to understand that). Yet, if you know programming but have never done any Python, I suggest you find a crash course somewhere in the internet just to get acquainted with the language.
  • wyag and git are terminal programs. I assume you know your way inside a Unix terminal. Again, you don’t need to be a l77t h4x0r, but cd, ls, rm, tree and their friends should be in your toolbox.

Note for Windows users

wyag should run on any Unix-like system with a Python interpreter, but I have absolutely no idea how it will behave on Windows. The test suite absolutely requires a bash-compatible shell, which I assume the WSL can provide. Also, if you are using WSL, make sure your wyag file uses Unix-style line endings (See this StackOverflow solution if you use VS Code). Feedback from Windows users would be appreciated!


This article benefited from significant contributions from multiple people, and I’m grateful to them all. Special thanks to:

  • Github user tammoippen, who first drafted the tag_create function I had simply… forgotten to write (that was #9).
  • Github user hjlarry fixed multiple issues in #22.
  • GitHub user cutebbb implemented the first version of ls-files in #27, and by doing so finally brought wyag to the wonders of the staging area!

2. Getting started

You’re going to need Python 3.10 or higher, along with your favorite text editor. We won’t need third party packages or virtualenvs, or anything besides a regular Python interpreter: everything we need is in Python’s standard library.

We’ll split the code into two files:

  • An executable, called wyag;
  • A Python library, called libwyag.py;

Now, every software project starts with a boatload of boilerplate, so let’s get this over with.

We’ll begin by creating the (very short) executable. Create a new file called wyag in your text editor, and copy the following few lines:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import libwyag

Then make it executable:

$ chmod +x wyag

You’re done!

Now for the library. it must be called libwyag.py, and be in the same directory as the wyag executable. Begin by opening the empty libwyag.py in your text editor.

We’re first going to need a bunch of imports (just copy each import, or merge them all in a single line)

  • Git is a CLI application, so we’ll need something to parse command-line arguments. Python provides a cool module called argparse that can do 99% of the job for us.

    import argparse
  • We’ll need a few more container types than the base lib provides, most notably an OrderedDict. It’s in collections.

    import collections
  • Git uses a configuration file format that is basically Microsoft’s INI format. The configparser module can read and write these files.

    import configparser
  • We’ll be doing some date/time manipulation:

    from datetime import datetime
  • We’ll need, just once, to read the users/group database on Unix (grp is for groups, pwd for users). This is because git saves the numerical owner/group ID of files, and we’ll want to display that nicely (as text):

    import grp, pwd
  • To support .gitignore, we’ll need to match filenames against patterns like *.txt. Filename matching is in… fnmatch:

    from fnmatch import fnmatch
  • Git uses the SHA-1 function quite extensively. In Python, it’s in hashlib.

    import hashlib
  • Just one function from math:

    from math import ceil
  • os and os.path provide some nice filesystem abstraction routines.

    import os
  • we use just a bit of regular expressions:

    import re
  • We also need sys to access the actual command-line arguments (in sys.argv):

    import sys
  • Git compresses everything using zlib. Python has that, too:

    import zlib

Imports are done. We’ll be working with command-line arguments a lot. Python provides a simple yet reasonably powerful parsing library, argparse. It’s a nice library, but its interface may not be the most intuitive ever; if need, refer to its documentation.

argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="The stupidest content tracker")

We’ll need to handle subcommands (as in git: init, commit, etc.) In argparse slang, these are called “subparsers”. At this point we only need to declare that our CLI will use some, and that all invocation will actually require one — you don’t just call git, you call git COMMAND.

argsubparsers = argparser.add_subparsers(title="Commands", dest="command")
argsubparsers.required = True

The dest="command" argument states that the name of the chosen subparser will be returned as a string in a field called command. So we just need to read this string and call the correct function accordingly. By convention, I’ll call these functions “bridges functions” and prefix their names by cmd_. Bridge functions take the parsed arguments as their unique parameter, and are responsible for processing and validating them before executing the actual command.

def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
    args = argparser.parse_args(argv)
    match args.command:
        case "add"          : cmd_add(args)
        case "cat-file"     : cmd_cat_file(args)
        case "check-ignore" : cmd_check_ignore(args)
        case "checkout"     : cmd_checkout(args)
        case "commit"       : cmd_commit(args)
        case "hash-object"  : cmd_hash_object(args)
        case "init"         : cmd_init(args)
        case "log"          : cmd_log(args)
        case "ls-files"     : cmd_ls_files(args)
        case "ls-tree"      : cmd_ls_tree(args)
        case "rev-parse"    : cmd_rev_parse(args)
        case "rm"           : cmd_rm(args)
        case "show-ref"     : cmd_show_ref(args)
        case "status"       : cmd_status(args)
        case "tag"          : cmd_tag(args)
        case _              : print("Bad command.")

3. Creating repositories: init

Obviously, the first Git command in chronological and logical order is git init, so we’ll begin by creating wyag init. To achieve this, we’re going to first need some very basic repository abstraction.

3.1. The Repository object

We’ll obviously need some abstraction for a repository: almost every time we run a git command, we’re trying to do something to a repository, to create it, read from it or modify it.

A git repository is made of two things: a “work tree”, where the files meant to be in version control live, and a “git directory”, where Git stores its own data. In most cases, the worktree is a regular directory and the git directory is a child directory of the worktree, called .git.

Git supports much more cases (bare repo, separated gitdir, etc) but we won’t need them: we’ll stick to the basic approach of worktree/.git. Our repository object will then just hold two paths: the worktree and the gitdir.

To create a new Repository object, we only need to make a few checks:

  • We must verify that the directory exists, and contains a subdirectory called .git.
  • We read its configuration in .git/config (it’s just an INI file) and control that core.repositoryformatversion is 0. More on that field in a moment.

The constructor takes an optional force which disables all checks. That’s because the repo_create() function which we’ll create later uses a Repository object to create the repo. So we need a way to create repository even from (still) invalid filesystem locations.

class GitRepository (object):
    """A git repository"""

    worktree = None
    gitdir = None
    conf = None

    def __init__(self, path, force=False):
        self.worktree = path
        self.gitdir = os.path.join(path, ".git")

        if not (force or os.path.isdir(self.gitdir)):
            raise Exception("Not a Git repository %s" % path)

        # Read configuration file in .git/config
        self.conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
        cf = repo_file(self, "config")

        if cf and os.path.exists(cf):
        elif not force:
            raise Exception("Configuration file missing")

        if not force:
            vers = int(self.conf.get("core", "repositoryformatversion"))
            if vers != 0:
                raise Exception("Unsupported repositoryformatversion %s" % vers)

We’re going to be manipulating lots of paths in repositories. We may as well create a few utility functions to compute those paths and create missing directory structures if needed. First, just a general path building function:

def repo_path(repo, *path):
    """Compute path under repo's gitdir."""
    return os.path.join(repo.gitdir, *path)

(A note on Python syntax: the star on the *path makes the function variadic, so it can be called with multiple path components as separate arguments. For example, repo_path(repo, "objects", "df", "4ec9fc2ad990cb9da906a95a6eda6627d7b7b0") is a valid call. The function receives path as a list)

The next two functions, repo_file() and repo_dir(), return and optionally create a path to a file or a directory, respectively. The difference between them is that the file version only creates directories up to the last component.

def repo_file(repo, *path, mkdir=False):
    """Same as repo_path, but create dirname(*path) if absent.  For
example, repo_file(r, \"refs\", \"remotes\", \"origin\", \"HEAD\") will create

    if repo_dir(repo, *path[:-1], mkdir=mkdir):
        return repo_path(repo, *path)

def repo_dir(repo, *path, mkdir=False):
    """Same as repo_path, but mkdir *path if absent if mkdir."""

    path = repo_path(repo, *path)

    if os.path.exists(path):
        if (os.path.isdir(path)):
            return path
            raise Exception("Not a directory %s" % path)

    if mkdir:
        return path
        return None

(Second and last note on syntax: because the star in *path makes the functions variadic, the mkdir argument must be passed explicitly by name. For example, repo_file(repo, "objects", mkdir=True).)

To create a new repository, we start with a directory (which we create if doesn’t already exist) and create the git directory inside (which must not exist already, or be empty). That directory is called .git (the leading period makes it “hidden” on Unix systems), and contains:

  • .git/objects/ : the object store, which we’ll introduce in the next section.
  • .git/refs/ the reference store, which we’ll discuss a bit later. It contains two subdirectories, heads and tags.
  • .git/HEAD, a reference to the current HEAD (more on that later!)
  • .git/config, the repository’s configuration file.
  • .git/description, holds a free-form description of this repository’s contents, for humans, and is rarely used.
def repo_create(path):
    """Create a new repository at path."""

    repo = GitRepository(path, True)

    # First, we make sure the path either doesn't exist or is an
    # empty dir.

    if os.path.exists(repo.worktree):
        if not os.path.isdir(repo.worktree):
            raise Exception ("%s is not a directory!" % path)
        if os.path.exists(repo.gitdir) and os.listdir(repo.gitdir):
            raise Exception("%s is not empty!" % path)

    assert repo_dir(repo, "branches", mkdir=True)
    assert repo_dir(repo, "objects", mkdir=True)
    assert repo_dir(repo, "refs", "tags", mkdir=True)
    assert repo_dir(repo, "refs", "heads", mkdir=True)

    # .git/description
    with open(repo_file(repo, "description"), "w") as f:
        f.write("Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n")

    # .git/HEAD
    with open(repo_file(repo, "HEAD"), "w") as f:
        f.write("ref: refs/heads/master\n")

    with open(repo_file(repo, "config"), "w") as f:
        config = repo_default_config()

    return repo

The configuration file is very simple, it’s a INI-like file with a single section ([core]) and three fields:

  • repositoryformatversion = 0: the version of the gitdir format. 0 means the initial format, 1 the same with extensions. If > 1, git will panic; wyag will only accept 0.
  • filemode = false: disable tracking of file modes (permissions) changes in the work tree.
  • bare = false: indicates that this repository has a worktree. Git supports an optional worktree key which indicates the location of the worktree, if not ..; wyag doesn’t.

We create this file using Python’s configparser lib:

def repo_default_config():
    ret = configparser.ConfigParser()

    ret.set("core", "repositoryformatversion", "0")
    ret.set("core", "filemode", "false")
    ret.set("core", "bare", "false")

    return ret

3.2. The init command

Now that we have code to read and create repositories, let’s make this code usable from the command line by creating the wyag init command. wyag init behaves just like git init — with much less customizability, of course. The syntax of wyag init is going to be:

wyag init [path]

We already have the complete repository creation logic. To create the command, we’re only going to need two more things:

  1. We need to create an argparse subparser to handle our command’s argument.

    argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("init", help="Initialize a new, empty repository.")

    In the case of init, there’s a single, optional, positional argument: the path where to init the repo. It defaults to ., the current directory:

                       help="Where to create the repository.")
  2. We also need a “bridge” function that will read argument values from the object returned by argparse and call the actual function with correct values.

    def cmd_init(args):

And we’re done! If you’ve followed these steps, you should now be able to wyag init a git repository anywhere:

$ wyag init test

(The wyag executable won’t usually be in your $PATH: you’ll want to call it by its full name, eg ~/projects/wyag/wyag init .)

3.3. The repo_find() function

While we’re implementing repositories, we’re going to need a function to find the root of the current repository. We’ll use it a lot, since almost all Git functions work on an existing repository (except init, of course!). Sometimes that root is the current directory, but it may also be a parent: your repository’s root may be in ~/Documents/MyProject, but you may currently be working in ~/Documents/MyProject/src/tui/frames/mainview/. The repo_find() function we’ll now create will look for that root, starting at the current directory and recursing back to /. To identify a path as a repository, it will check for the presence of a .git directory.

def repo_find(path=".", required=True):
    path = os.path.realpath(path)

    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ".git")):
        return GitRepository(path)

    # If we haven't returned, recurse in parent, if w
    parent = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path, ".."))

    if parent == path:
        # Bottom case
        # os.path.join("/", "..") == "/":
        # If parent==path, then path is root.
        if required:
            raise Exception("No git directory.")
            return None

    # Recursive case
    return repo_find(parent, required)

And we’re done with repositories!

4. Reading and writing objects: hash-object and cat-file

4.1. What are objects?

Now that we have repositories, putting things inside them is in order. Also, repositories are boring, and writing a Git implementation shouldn’t be just a matter of writing a bunch of mkdir. Let’s talk about objects, and let’s implement git hash-object and git cat-file.

Maybe you don’t know these two commands — they’re not exactly part of an everyday git toolbox, and they’re actually quite low-level (“plumbing”, in git parlance). What they do is actually very simple: hash-object converts an existing file into a git object, and cat-file prints an existing git object to the standard output.

Now, what actually is a Git object? At its core, Git is a “content-addressed filesystem”. That means that unlike regular filesystems, where the name of a file is arbitrary and unrelated to that file’s contents, the names of files as stored by Git are mathematically derived from their contents. This has a very important implication: if a single byte of, say, a text file, changes, its internal name will change, too. To put it simply: you don’t modify a file in git, you create a new file in a different location. Objects are just that: files in the git repository, whose paths are determined by their contents.

Git is not (really) a key-value store

Some documentation, including the excellent Pro Git, call Git a “key-value store”. This is not incorrect, but may be misleading. Regular filesystems are actually closer to a key-value store than Git is. Because it computes keys from data, Git could rather be called a value-value store.

Git uses objects to store quite a lot of things: first and foremost, the actual files it keeps in version control — source code, for example. Commit are objects, too, as well as tags. With a few notable exceptions (which we’ll see later!), almost everything, in Git, is stored as an object.

The path where git stores a given object is computed by calculating the SHA-1 hash of its contents. More precisely, Git renders the hash as a lowercase hexadecimal string, and splits it in two parts: the first two characters, and the rest. It uses the first part as a directory name, the rest as the file name (this is because most filesystems hate having too many files in a single directory and would slow down to a crawl. Git’s method creates 256 possible intermediate directories, hence dividing the average number of files per directory by 256)

What is a hash function?

SHA-1 is what we call a “hash function”. Simply put, a hash function is a kind of unidirectional mathematical function: it is easy to compute the hash of a value, but there’s no way to compute back which value produced a hash.

A very simple example of a hash function is the classical len (or strlen) function, which returns the length of a string. It’s really easy to compute the length of a string, and the length of a given string will never change (unless the string itself changes, of course!) but it’s impossible to retrieve the original string, given only its length. Cryptographic hash functions are a much more complex version of the same, with the added property that computing an input meant to produce a given hash is hard enough to be practically impossible. (To produce an input i with strlen(i) == 12, you just type twelve random characters. With algorithms such as SHA-1. it would take much, much longer — long enough to be practically impossible1).

Before we start implementing the object storage system, we must understand their exact storage format. An object starts with a header that specifies its type: blob, commit, tag or tree (more on that in a second). This header is followed by an ASCII space (0x20), then the size of the object in bytes as an ASCII number, then null (0x00) (the null byte), then the contents of the object. The first 48 bytes of a commit object in Wyag’s repo look like this:

00000000  63 6f 6d 6d 69 74 20 31  30 38 36 00 74 72 65 65  |commit 1086.tree|
00000010  20 32 39 66 66 31 36 63  39 63 31 34 65 32 36 35  | 29ff16c9c14e265|
00000020  32 62 32 32 66 38 62 37  38 62 62 30 38 61 35 61  |2b22f8b78bb08a5a|

In the first line, we see the type header, a space (0x20), the size in ASCII (1086) and the null separator 0x00. The last four bytes on the first line are the beginning of that object’s contents, the word “tree” — we’ll discuss that further when we’ll talk about commits.

The objects (headers and contents) are stored compressed with zlib.

4.2. A generic object object

Objects can be of multiple types, but they all share the same storage/retrieval mechanism and the same general header format. Before we dive into the details of various types of objects, we need to abstract over these common features. The easiest way is to create a generic GitObject with two unimplemented methods: serialize() and deserialize(), and a default init() to create a new, empty object if needed (sorry pythonistas, this isn’t very nice design but it’s probably easier to read than superconstructors). Our __init__ either loads the object from the provided data, or calls the subclass-provided init() to create a new, empty object.

Later, we’ll subclass this generic class, actually implementing these functions for each object format.

class GitObject (object):

    def __init__(self, data=None):
        if data != None:

    def serialize(self, repo):
        """This function MUST be implemented by subclasses.

It must read the object's contents from self.data, a byte string, and do
whatever it takes to convert it into a meaningful representation.  What exactly that means depend on each subclass."""
        raise Exception("Unimplemented!")

    def deserialize(self, data):
        raise Exception("Unimplemented!")

    def init(self):
        pass # Just do nothing. This is a reasonable default!

4.3. Reading objects

To read an object, we need to know its SHA-1 hash. We then compute its path from this hash (with the formula explained above: first two characters, then a directory delimiter /, then the remaining part) and look it up inside of the “objects” directory in the gitdir. That is, the path to e673d1b7eaa0aa01b5bc2442d570a765bdaae751 is .git/objects/e6/73d1b7eaa0aa01b5bc2442d570a765bdaae751.

We then read that file as a binary file, and decompress it using zlib.

From the decompressed data, we extract the two header components: the object type and its size. From the type, we determine the actual class to use. We convert the size to a Python integer, and check if it matches.

When all is done, we just call the correct constructor for that object’s format.

def object_read(repo, sha):
    """Read object sha from Git repository repo.  Return a
    GitObject whose exact type depends on the object."""

    path = repo_file(repo, "objects", sha[0:2], sha[2:])

    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        return None

    with open (path, "rb") as f:
        raw = zlib.decompress(f.read())

        # Read object type
        x = raw.find(b' ')
        fmt = raw[0:x]

        # Read and validate object size
        y = raw.find(b'\x00', x)
        size = int(raw[x:y].decode("ascii"))
        if size != len(raw)-y-1:
            raise Exception("Malformed object {0}: bad length".format(sha))

        # Pick constructor
        match fmt:
            case b'commit' : c=GitCommit
            case b'tree'   : c=GitTree
            case b'tag'    : c=GitTag
            case b'blob'   : c=GitBlob
            case _:
                raise Exception("Unknown type {0} for object {1}".format(fmt.decode("ascii"), sha))

        # Call constructor and return object
        return c(raw[y+1:])

4.4. Writing objects

Writing an object is reading it in reverse: we compute the hash, insert the header, zlib-compress everything and write the result in the correct location. This really shouldn’t require much explanation, just notice that the hash is computed after the header is added (so it’s the hash of the object itself, uncompressed, not just its contents)

def object_write(obj, repo=None):
    # Serialize object data
    data = obj.serialize()
    # Add header
    result = obj.fmt + b' ' + str(len(data)).encode() + b'\x00' + data
    # Compute hash
    sha = hashlib.sha1(result).hexdigest()

    if repo:
        # Compute path
        path=repo_file(repo, "objects", sha[0:2], sha[2:], mkdir=True)

        if not os.path.exists(path):
            with open(path, 'wb') as f:
                # Compress and write
    return sha

4.5. Working with blobs

We said earlier that the type header could be one of four: blob, commit, tag and tree — so git has four object types.

Blobs are the simplest of those four types, because they have no actual format. Blobs are user data: the content of every file you put in git (main.c, logo.png, README.md) is stored as a blob. That makes them easy to manipulate, because they have no actual syntax or constraints beyond the basic object storage mechanism: they’re just unspecified data. Creating a GitBlob class is thus trivial, the serialize and deserialize functions just have to store and return their input unmodified.

class GitBlob(GitObject):

    def serialize(self):
        return self.blobdata

    def deserialize(self, data):
        self.blobdata = data

4.6. The cat-file command

We can now create wyag cat-file. git cat-file simply prints the raw contents of an object to stdout, uncompressed and without the git header. In a clone of wyag’s source repository, git cat-file blob e0695f14a412c29e252c998c81de1dde59658e4a will show a version of the README.

Our simplified version will just take those two positional arguments: a type and an object identifier:

wyag cat-file TYPE OBJECT

The subparser is very simple:

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("cat-file",
                                 help="Provide content of repository objects")

                   choices=["blob", "commit", "tag", "tree"],
                   help="Specify the type")

                   help="The object to display")

And we can implement the functions, which just call into existing code we wrote earlier:

def cmd_cat_file(args):
    repo = repo_find()
    cat_file(repo, args.object, fmt=args.type.encode())

def cat_file(repo, obj, fmt=None):
    obj = object_read(repo, object_find(repo, obj, fmt=fmt))

This function calls an object_find function we haven’t introduced yet. For now, it’s just going to return one of its arguments unmodified, like this:

def object_find(repo, name, fmt=None, follow=True):
    return name

The reason for this strange small function is that Git has a lot of ways to refer to objects: full hash, short hash, tags… object_find() will be our name resolution function. We’ll only implement it later, so this is just a temporary placeholder. This means that until we implement the real thing, the only way we can refer to an object will be by its full hash.

4.7. The hash-object command

We will want to put our own data in our repositories, though. hash-object is basically the opposite of cat-file: it reads a file, computes its hash as an object, either storing it in the repository (if the -w flag is passed) or just printing its hash.

The syntax of wyag hash-object is a simplification of git hash-object:

wyag hash-object [-w] [-t TYPE] FILE

Which converts to:

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser(
    help="Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file")

                   choices=["blob", "commit", "tag", "tree"],
                   help="Specify the type")

                   help="Actually write the object into the database")

                   help="Read object from <file>")

The actual implementation is very simple. As usual, we create a small bridge function:

def cmd_hash_object(args):
    if args.write:
        repo = repo_find()
        repo = None

    with open(args.path, "rb") as fd:
        sha = object_hash(fd, args.type.encode(), repo)

The actual implementation is also trivial. The repo argument is optional, and the object isn’t written if it is None (this is handled in object_write(), above):

def object_hash(fd, fmt, repo=None):
    """ Hash object, writing it to repo if provided."""
    data = fd.read()

    # Choose constructor according to fmt argument
    match fmt:
        case b'commit' : obj=GitCommit(data)
        case b'tree'   : obj=GitTree(data)
        case b'tag'    : obj=GitTag(data)
        case b'blob'   : obj=GitBlob(data)
        case _: raise Exception("Unknown type %s!" % fmt)

    return object_write(obj, repo)

4.8. Aside: what about packfiles?

What we’ve just implemented is called “loose objects”. Git has a second object storage mechanism called packfiles. Packfiles are much more efficient, but also much more complex, than loose objects. Simply put, a packfile is a compilation of loose objects (like a tar) but some are stored as deltas (as a transformation of another object). Packfiles are way too complex to be supported by wyag.

The packfile is stored in .git/objects/pack/. It has a .pack extension, and is accompanied by an index file of the same name with the .idx extension. Should you want to convert a packfile to loose objects format (to play with wyag on an existing repo, for example), here’s the solution.

First, move the packfile outside the gitdir (just copying it won’t work).

mv .git/objects/pack/pack-d9ef004d4ca729287f12aaaacf36fee39baa7c9d.pack .

You can ignore the .idx. Then, from the worktree, just cat it and pipe the result to git unpack-objects:

cat pack-d9ef004d4ca729287f12aaaacf36fee39baa7c9d.pack | git unpack-objects

5. Reading commit history: log

5.1. Parsing commits

Now that we can read and write objects, we should consider commits. A commit object (uncompressed, without headers) looks like this:

tree 29ff16c9c14e2652b22f8b78bb08a5a07930c147
parent 206941306e8a8af65b66eaaaea388a7ae24d49a0
author Thibault Polge <thibault@thb.lt> 1527025023 +0200
committer Thibault Polge <thibault@thb.lt> 1527025044 +0200
gpgsig -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----


Create first draft

The format is a simplified version of mail messages, as specified in RFC 2822. It begins with a series of key-value pairs, with space as the key/value separator, and ends with the commit message, that may span over multiple lines. Values may continue over multiple lines, subsequent lines start with a space which the parser must drop (like the gpgsig field above, which spans over 16 lines).

Let’s have a look at those fields:

  • tree is a reference to a tree object, a type of object that we’ll see just next. A tree maps blobs IDs to filesystem locations, and describes a state of the work tree. Put simply, it is the actual content of the commit: file contents, and where they go.
  • parent is a reference to the parent of this commit. It may be repeated: merge commits, for example, have multiple parents. It may also be absent: the very first commit in a repository obviously doesn’t have a parent.
  • author and committer are separate, because the author of a commit is not necessarily the person who can commit it (This may not be obvious for GitHub users, but a lot of projects do Git through e-mail)
  • gpgsig is the PGP signature of this object.

We’ll start by writing a simple parser for the format. The code is obvious. The name of the function we’re about to create, kvlm_parse(), may be confusing: it isn’t called commit_parse() because tags have the very same format, so we’ll use it for both objects types. I use KVLM to mean “Key-Value List with Message”.

def kvlm_parse(raw, start=0, dct=None):
    if not dct:
        dct = collections.OrderedDict()
        # You CANNOT declare the argument as dct=OrderedDict() or all
        # call to the functions will endlessly grow the same dict.

    # This function is recursive: it reads a key/value pair, then call
    # itself back with the new position.  So we first need to know
    # where we are: at a keyword, or already in the messageQ

    # We search for the next space and the next newline.
    spc = raw.find(b' ', start)
    nl = raw.find(b'\n', start)

    # If space appears before newline, we have a keyword.  Otherwise,
    # it's the final message, which we just read to the end of the file.

    # Base case
    # =========
    # If newline appears first (or there's no space at all, in which
    # case find returns -1), we assume a blank line.  A blank line
    # means the remainder of the data is the message.  We store it in
    # the dictionary, with None as the key, and return.
    if (spc < 0) or (nl < spc):
        assert nl == start
        dct[None] = raw[start+1:]
        return dct

    # Recursive case
    # ==============
    # we read a key-value pair and recurse for the next.
    key = raw[start:spc]

    # Find the end of the value.  Continuation lines begin with a
    # space, so we loop until we find a "\n" not followed by a space.
    end = start
    while True:
        end = raw.find(b'\n', end+1)
        if raw[end+1] != ord(' '): break

    # Grab the value
    # Also, drop the leading space on continuation lines
    value = raw[spc+1:end].replace(b'\n ', b'\n')

    # Don't overwrite existing data contents
    if key in dct:
        if type(dct[key]) == list:
            dct[key] = [ dct[key], value ]

    return kvlm_parse(raw, start=end+1, dct=dct)

Object identity rules

We use an OrderedDict (a dictionary/hashmap where keys are ordered) so fields always appear in the same order. This matters, because Git has two strong rules about object identity:

  1. The first rule is that the same name will always refer to the same object. We’ve seen this one already, it’s just a consequence of the fact that an object’s name is a hash of its contents.
  2. The second rule is subtly different: the same object will always be referred by the same name. This means that there shouldn’t be two equivalent objects under different names. This is why fields order matter: by modifying the order fields appear in a given commit, eg by putting the tree after the parent, we’d modify the SHA-1 hash of the commit, and we’d create two equivalent, but numerically distinct, commit objects.

For example, when comparing trees, git will assume that two trees with different names are different — this is why we’ll have to make sure elements of the tree objects are properly sorted, so we don’t produce distinct but equivalent trees.

We’re also going to need to write similar objects, so let’s add a kvlm_serialize() function to our toolkit. This is very simple: we write all fields first, then a newline, the message, and a final newline.

def kvlm_serialize(kvlm):
    ret = b''

    # Output fields
    for k in kvlm.keys():
        # Skip the message itself
        if k == None: continue
        val = kvlm[k]
        # Normalize to a list
        if type(val) != list:
            val = [ val ]

        for v in val:
            ret += k + b' ' + (v.replace(b'\n', b'\n ')) + b'\n'

    # Append message
    ret += b'\n' + kvlm[None] + b'\n'

    return ret

5.2. The Commit object

Now we have the parser, we can create the GitCommit class:

class GitCommit(GitObject):

    def deserialize(self, data):
        self.kvlm = kvlm_parse(data)

    def serialize(self):
        return kvlm_serialize(self.kvlm)

    def init(self):
        self.kvlm = dict()

5.3. The log command

We’ll implement a much, much simpler version of log than what Git provides. Most importantly, we won’t deal with representing the log at all. Instead, we’ll dump Graphviz data and let the user use dot to render the actual log. (If you don’t know how to use Graphviz, just paste the raw output into this site. If the link is dead, lookup “graphviz online” in your favorite search engine)

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("log", help="Display history of a given commit.")
                   help="Commit to start at.")
def cmd_log(args):
    repo = repo_find()

    print("digraph wyaglog{")
    print("  node[shape=rect]")
    log_graphviz(repo, object_find(repo, args.commit), set())

def log_graphviz(repo, sha, seen):

    if sha in seen:

    commit = object_read(repo, sha)
    short_hash = sha[0:8]
    message = commit.kvlm[None].decode("utf8").strip()
    message = message.replace("\\", "\\\\")
    message = message.replace("\"", "\\\"")

    if "\n" in message: # Keep only the first line
        message = message[:message.index("\n")]

    print("  c_{0} [label=\"{1}: {2}\"]".format(sha, sha[0:7], message))
    assert commit.fmt==b'commit'

    if not b'parent' in commit.kvlm.keys():
        # Base case: the initial commit.

    parents = commit.kvlm[b'parent']

    if type(parents) != list:
        parents = [ parents ]

    for p in parents:
        p = p.decode("ascii")
        print ("  c_{0} -> c_{1};".format(sha, p))
        log_graphviz(repo, p, seen)

You can now use our log command like this:

wyag log e03158242ecab460f31b0d6ae1642880577ccbe8 > log.dot
dot -O -Tpdf log.dot

5.4. Anatomy of a commit

You may have noticed a few things right now.

First and foremost, we’ve been playing with commits, browsing and walking through commit objects, building a graph of commit history, without ever touching a single file in the worktree or a blob. We’ve done a lot with commits without considering their contents. This is important: work tree contents are just one part of a commit. But a commit is made of everything it holds: its contents, its authors, also its parents. If you remember that the ID (the SHA-1 hash) of a commit is computed from the whole commit object, you’ll understand what it means that commits are immutable: if you change the author, the parent commit or a single file, you’ve actually created a new, different object. Each and every commit is bound to its place and its relationship to the whole repository up to the very first commit. To put it otherwise, a given commit ID not only identifies some file contents, but it also binds the commit to its whole history and to the whole repository.

It’s also worth noting that from the point of view of a commit, time somehow runs backwards: we’re used to considering the history of a project from its humble beginnings as an evening distraction, starting with a few lines of code, some initial commits, and progressing to its present state (millions of lines of code, dozens of contributors, whatever). But each commit is completely unaware of its future, it’s only linked to the past. Commits have “memory”, but no premonition.

So what makes a commit? To sum it up:

  • A tree object, which we’ll discuss now, that is, the contents of a worktree, files and directories;
  • Zero, one or more parents;
  • An author identity (name and email), and a timestamp;
  • A committer identity (name and email), and a timestamp;
  • An optional PGP signature
  • A message;

All this hashed together in a unique SHA-1 identifier.

Wait, does that make Git a blockchain?

Because of cryptocurrencies, blockchains are all the hype these days. And yes, in a way, Git is a blockchain: it’s a sequence of blocks (commits) tied together by cryptographic means in a way that guarantee that each single element is associated to the whole history of the structure. Don’t take the comparison too seriously, though: we don’t need a GitCoin. Really, we don’t.

6. Reading commit data: checkout

It’s all well that commits hold a lot more than files and directories in a given state, but that doesn’t make them really useful. It’s probably time to start implementing tree objects as well, so we’ll be able to checkout commits into the work tree.

6.1. What’s in a tree?

Informally, a tree describes the content of the work tree, that it, it associates blobs to paths. It’s an array of three-element tuples made of a file mode, a path (relative to the worktree) and a SHA-1. A typical tree contents may look like this:

Mode SHA-1 Path
100644 894a44cc066a027465cd26d634948d56d13af9af .gitignore
100644 94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 LICENSE
100644 bab489c4f4600a38ce6dbfd652b90383a4aa3e45 README.md
100644 6d208e47659a2a10f5f8640e0155d9276a2130a9 src
040000 e7445b03aea61ec801b20d6ab62f076208b7d097 tests
040000 d5ec863f17f3a2e92aa8f6b66ac18f7b09fd1b38 main.c

Mode is just the file’s mode, path is its location. The SHA-1 refers to either a blob or another tree object. If a blob, the path is a file, if a tree, it’s directory. To instantiate this tree in the filesystem, we would begin by loading the object associated to the first path (.gitignore) and check its type. Since it’s a blob, we’ll just create a file called .gitignore with this blob’s contents; and same for LICENSE and README.md. But the object associated with src is not a blob, but another tree: we’ll create the directory src and repeat the same operation in that directory with the new tree.

A path is a single filesystem entry

The path identifies exactly one file or directory. Not two, not three. If you have five levels of nested directories, even if four are empty save the next directory, you’re going to need five tree objects recursively referring to one another. You cannot take the shortcut of putting a full path in a single tree entry, like dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir5.

6.2. Parsing trees

Unlike tags and commits, tree objects are binary objects, but their format is actually quite simple. A tree is the concatenation of records of the format:

[mode] space [path] 0x00 [sha-1]
  • [mode] is up to six bytes and is an octal representation of a file mode, stored in ASCII. For example, 100644 is encoded with byte values 49 (ASCII “1”), 48 (ASCII “0”), 48, 54, 52, 52. The first two digits encode the file type (file, directory, symlink or submodule), the last four the permissions.
  • It’s followed by 0x20, an ASCII space;
  • Followed by the null-terminated (0x00) path;
  • Followed by the object’s SHA-1 in binary encoding, on 20 bytes.

The parser is going to be quite simple. First, create a tiny object wrapper for a single record (a leaf, a single path):

class GitTreeLeaf (object):
    def __init__(self, mode, path, sha):
        self.mode = mode
        self.path = path
        self.sha = sha

Because a tree object is just the repetition of the same fundamental data structure, we write the parser in two functions. First, a parser to extract a single record, which returns parsed data and the position it reached in input data:

def tree_parse_one(raw, start=0):
    # Find the space terminator of the mode
    x = raw.find(b' ', start)
    assert x-start == 5 or x-start==6

    # Read the mode
    mode = raw[start:x]
    if len(mode) == 5:
        # Normalize to six bytes.
        mode = b" " + mode

    # Find the NULL terminator of the path
    y = raw.find(b'\x00', x)
    # and read the path
    path = raw[x+1:y]

    # Read the SHA…
    raw_sha = int.from_bytes(raw[y+1:y+21], "big")
    # and convert it into an hex string, padded to 40 chars
    # with zeros if needed.
    sha = format(raw_sha, "040x")
    return y+21, GitTreeLeaf(mode, path.decode("utf8"), sha)

And the “real” parser which just calls the previous one in a loop, until input data is exhausted.

def tree_parse(raw):
    pos = 0
    max = len(raw)
    ret = list()
    while pos < max:
        pos, data = tree_parse_one(raw, pos)

    return ret

We’ll finally need a serializer to write trees back. Because we may have added or modified entries, we need to sort them again. Consistently sorting matters, because we need to respect git’s identity rules, which says that no two equivalent object can have a different hash — but differently sorted trees with the same contents would be equivalent (describing the same directory structure), and still numerically distinct (different SHA-1 identifiers). Incorrectly sorted trees are invalid, but git doesn’t enforce that. I created some invalid trees by accident writing wyag, and all I got was weird bugs in git status (specifically, status would report an actually clean worktree as fully modified). We don’t want that.

The ordering function is quite simple, with an unexpected twist. are Entries sorted by name, alphabetically, but directories (that is, tree entries) are sorted with a final / added. It matters, because it means that if whatever names a regular file, it will sort before whatever.c, but if whatever is a dir, it will sort after, as whatever/. (I’m not sure why git does that. If you’re curious, see the function base_name_compare in tree.c in the git source)

# Notice this isn't a comparison function, but a conversion function.
# Python's default sort doesn't accept a custom comparison function,
# like in most languages, but a `key` arguments that returns a new
# value, which is compared using the default rules.  So we just return
# the leaf name, with an extra / if it's a directory.
def tree_leaf_sort_key(leaf):
    if leaf.mode.startswith(b"10"):
        return leaf.path
        return leaf.path + "/"

Then the serializer itself. This one is very simple: we sort the items using our newly created function as a transformer, then write them in order.

def tree_serialize(obj):
    ret = b''
    for i in obj.items:
        ret += i.mode
        ret += b' '
        ret += i.path.encode("utf8")
        ret += b'\x00'
        sha = int(i.sha, 16)
        ret += sha.to_bytes(20, byteorder="big")
    return ret

And now we just have to combine all that into a class:

class GitTree(GitObject):

    def deserialize(self, data):
        self.items = tree_parse(data)

    def serialize(self):
        return tree_serialize(self)

    def init(self):
        self.items = list()

6.3. Showing trees: ls-tree

While we’re at it, let’s add the ls-tree command to wyag. It’s so easy there’s no reason not to. git ls-tree [-r] TREE simply prints the contents of a tree, recursively with the -r flag. In recursive mode, it doesn’t show subtrees, just final objects with their full paths.

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("ls-tree", help="Pretty-print a tree object.")
                   help="Recurse into sub-trees")

                   help="A tree-ish object.")

def cmd_ls_tree(args):
    repo = repo_find()
    ls_tree(repo, args.tree, args.recursive)

def ls_tree(repo, ref, recursive=None, prefix=""):
    sha = object_find(repo, ref, fmt=b"tree")
    obj = object_read(repo, sha)
    for item in obj.items:
        if len(item.mode) == 5:
            type = item.mode[0:1]
            type = item.mode[0:2]

        match type: # Determine the type.
            case b'04': type = "tree"
            case b'10': type = "blob" # A regular file.
            case b'12': type = "blob" # A symlink. Blob contents is link target.
            case b'16': type = "commit" # A submodule
            case _: raise Exception("Weird tree leaf mode {}".format(item.mode))

        if not (recursive and type=='tree'): # This is a leaf
            print("{0} {1} {2}\t{3}".format(
                "0" * (6 - len(item.mode)) + item.mode.decode("ascii"),
                # Git's ls-tree displays the type
                # of the object pointed to.  We can do that too :)
                os.path.join(prefix, item.path)))
        else: # This is a branch, recurse
            ls_tree(repo, item.sha, recursive, os.path.join(prefix, item.path))

6.4. The checkout command

git checkout simply instantiates a commit in the worktree. We’re going to oversimplify the actual git command to make our implementation clear and understandable. We’re also going to add a few safeguards. Here’s how our version of checkout will work:

  • It will take two arguments: a commit, and a directory. Git checkout only needs a commit.
  • It will then instantiate the tree in the directory, if and only if the directory is empty. Git is full of safeguards to avoid deleting data, which would be too complicated and unsafe to try to reproduce in wyag. Since the point of wyag is to demonstrate git, not to produce a working implementation, this limitation is acceptable.

Let’s get started. As usual, we need a subparser:

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("checkout", help="Checkout a commit inside of a directory.")

                   help="The commit or tree to checkout.")

                   help="The EMPTY directory to checkout on.")

A wrapper function:

def cmd_checkout(args):
    repo = repo_find()

    obj = object_read(repo, object_find(repo, args.commit))

    # If the object is a commit, we grab its tree
    if obj.fmt == b'commit':
        obj = object_read(repo, obj.kvlm[b'tree'].decode("ascii"))

    # Verify that path is an empty directory
    if os.path.exists(args.path):
        if not os.path.isdir(args.path):
            raise Exception("Not a directory {0}!".format(args.path))
        if os.listdir(args.path):
            raise Exception("Not empty {0}!".format(args.path))

    tree_checkout(repo, obj, os.path.realpath(args.path))

And a function to do the actual work:

def tree_checkout(repo, tree, path):
    for item in tree.items:
        obj = object_read(repo, item.sha)
        dest = os.path.join(path, item.path)

        if obj.fmt == b'tree':
            tree_checkout(repo, obj, dest)
        elif obj.fmt == b'blob':
            # @TODO Support symlinks (identified by mode 12****)
            with open(dest, 'wb') as f:

7. Refs, tags and branches

7.1. What a ref is, and the show-ref command

As of now, the only way we can refer to objects is by their full hexadecimal identifier. In git, we actually rarely see those, except to talk about a specific commit. But in general, we’re talking about HEAD, about some branch called names like main or feature/more-bombs, and so on. This is handled by a simple mechanism called references.

Git references, or refs, are probably the most simple type of things git holds. They live in subdirectories of .git/refs, and are text files containing a hexadecimal representation of an object’s hash, encoded in ASCII. They’re actually as simple as this:


Refs can also refer to another reference, and thus only indirectly to an object, in which case they look like this:

ref: refs/remotes/origin/master

Direct and indirect references

From now on, I will call a reference of the form ref: path/to/other/ref an indirect reference, and a ref with a SHA-1 object ID a direct reference.

This section will describe the uses of refs. For now, all that matter is this:

  • they’re text files, in the .git/refs hierarchy;
  • they hold the SHA-1 identifier of an object, or a reference to another reference, ultimately to a SHA-1 (no loops!)

To work with refs, we’re first going to need a simple recursive solver that will take a ref name, follow eventual recursive references (refs whose content begin with ref:, as exemplified above) and return a SHA-1 identifier:

def ref_resolve(repo, ref):
    path = repo_file(repo, ref)

    # Sometimes, an indirect reference may be broken.  This is normal
    # in one specific case: we're looking for HEAD on a new repository
    # with no commits.  In that case, .git/HEAD points to "ref:
    # refs/heads/main", but .git/refs/heads/main doesn't exist yet
    # (since there's no commit for it to refer to).
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        return None

    with open(path, 'r') as fp:
        data = fp.read()[:-1]
        # Drop final \n ^^^^^
    if data.startswith("ref: "):
        return ref_resolve(repo, data[5:])
        return data

Let’s create two small functions, and implement the show-refs command — it just lists all references in a repository. First, a stupid recursive function to collect refs and return them as a dict:

def ref_list(repo, path=None):
    if not path:
        path = repo_dir(repo, "refs")
    ret = collections.OrderedDict()
    # Git shows refs sorted.  To do the same, we use
    # an OrderedDict and sort the output of listdir
    for f in sorted(os.listdir(path)):
        can = os.path.join(path, f)
        if os.path.isdir(can):
            ret[f] = ref_list(repo, can)
            ret[f] = ref_resolve(repo, can)

    return ret

And, as usual, a subparser, a bridge, and a (recursive) worker function:

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("show-ref", help="List references.")

def cmd_show_ref(args):
    repo = repo_find()
    refs = ref_list(repo)
    show_ref(repo, refs, prefix="refs")

def show_ref(repo, refs, with_hash=True, prefix=""):
    for k, v in refs.items():
        if type(v) == str:
            print ("{0}{1}{2}".format(
                v + " " if with_hash else "",
                prefix + "/" if prefix else "",
            show_ref(repo, v, with_hash=with_hash, prefix="{0}{1}{2}".format(prefix, "/" if prefix else "", k))

7.2. Tags as references

The most simple use of refs is tags. A tag is just a user-defined name for an object, often a commit. A very common use of tags is identifying software releases: You’ve just merged the last commit of, say, version 12.78.52 of your program, so your most recent commit (let’s call it 6071c08) is your version 12.78.52. To make this association explicit, all you have to do is:

git tag v12.78.52 6071c08
# the object hash ^here^^ is optional and defaults to HEAD.

This creates a new tag, called v12.78.52, pointing at 6071c08. Tagging is like aliasing: a tag introduces a new way to refer to an existing object. After the tag is created, the name v12.78.52 refers to 6071c08. For example, these two commands are now perfectly equivalent:

git checkout v12.78.52
git checkout 6071c08

Versions are a common use of tags, but like almost everything in Git, tags have no predefined semantics: they mean whatever you want them to mean, and can point to whichever object you want, you can even tag blobs!

7.3. Lightweight tags and tag objects, and parsing the latter

You’ve probably guessed already that tags are actually refs. They live in the .git/refs/tags/ hierarchy. The only point worth noting is that they come in two flavors: lightweight tags and tags objects.

“Lightweight” tags
are just regular refs to a commit, a tree or a blob.
Tag objects
are regular refs pointing to an object of type tag. Unlike lightweight tags, tag objects have an author, a date, an optional PGP signature and an optional annotation. Their format is the same as a commit object.

We don’t even need to implement tag objects, we can reuse GitCommit and just change the fmt field:

class GitTag(GitCommit):
    fmt = b'tag'

And now we support tags.

7.4. The tag command

Let’s add the tag command. In Git, it does two things: it creates a new tag or list existing tags (by default). So you can invoke it with:

git tag                  # List all tags
git tag NAME [OBJECT]    # create a new *lightweight* tag NAME, pointing
                         # at HEAD (default) or OBJECT
git tag -a NAME [OBJECT] # create a new tag *object* NAME, pointing at
                         # HEAD (default) or OBJECT

This translates to argparse as follows. Notice we ignore the mutual exclusion between --list and [-a] name [object], which seems too complicated for argparse.

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser(
    help="List and create tags")

                   help="Whether to create a tag object")

                   help="The new tag's name")

                   help="The object the new tag will point to")

The cmd_tag function will dispatch behavior (list or create) depending on whether or not name is provided.

def cmd_tag(args):
    repo = repo_find()

    if args.name:
                   type="object" if args.create_tag_object else "ref")
        refs = ref_list(repo)
        show_ref(repo, refs["tags"], with_hash=False)

And we just need one more function to actually create the tag:

def tag_create(repo, name, ref, create_tag_object=False):
    # get the GitObject from the object reference
    sha = object_find(repo, ref)

    if create_tag_object:
        # create tag object (commit)
        tag = GitTag(repo)
        tag.kvlm = collections.OrderedDict()
        tag.kvlm[b'object'] = sha.encode()
        tag.kvlm[b'type'] = b'commit'
        tag.kvlm[b'tag'] = name.encode()
        # Feel free to let the user give their name!
        # Notice you can fix this after commit, read on!
        tag.kvlm[b'tagger'] = b'Wyag <wyag@example.com>'
        # …and a tag message!
        tag.kvlm[None] = b"A tag generated by wyag, which won't let you customize the message!"
        tag_sha = object_write(tag)
        # create reference
        ref_create(repo, "tags/" + name, tag_sha)
        # create lightweight tag (ref)
        ref_create(repo, "tags/" + name, sha)

def ref_create(repo, ref_name, sha):
    with open(repo_file(repo, "refs/" + ref_name), 'w') as fp:
        fp.write(sha + "\n")

7.5. What’s a branch?

Tags are done. Now for another big chunk: branches.

It’s time to address the elephant in the room: like most Git users, wyag still doesn’t have any idea what a branch is. It currently treats a repository as a bunch of disorganized objects, some of them commits, and has no representation whatsoever of the fact that commits are grouped in branches, and that at every point in time there’s a commit that’s HEAD, ie, the head commit (or “tip”) of the active branch.

So, what’s a branch? The answer is actually surprisingly simple, but it may also end up being simply surprising: a branch is a reference to a commit. You could even say that a branch is a kind of a name for a commit. In this regard, a branch is exactly the same thing as a tag. Tags are refs that live in .git/refs/tags, branches are refs that live in .git/refs/heads.

There are, of course, differences between a branch and a tag:

  1. Branches are references to a commit, tags can refer to any object;
  2. Most importantly, the branch ref is updated at each commit. This means that whenever you commit, Git actually does this:
    1. a new commit object is created, with the current branch’s (commit!) ID as its parent;
    2. the commit object is hashed and stored;
    3. the branch ref is updated to refer to the new commit’s hash.

That’s all.

But what about the current branch? It’s actually even easier. It’s a ref file outside of the refs hierarchy, in .git/HEAD, which is an indirect ref (that is, it is of the form ref: path/to/other/ref, and not a simple hash).

Detached HEAD

When you just checkout a random commit, git will warn you it’s in “detached HEAD state”. This means you’re not on any branch anymore. In this case, .git/HEAD is a direct reference: it contains a SHA-1.

7.6. Referring to objects: the object_find function

7.6.1. Resolving names

Remember when we’ve created the stupid object_find function that would take four arguments, return the second unmodified and ignore the other three? It’s time to replace it by something more useful. We’re going to implement a small, but usable, subset of the actual Git name resolution algorithm. The new object_find() will work in two steps: first, given a name, it will return a complete sha-1 hash. For example, with HEAD, it will return the hash of the head commit of the current branch, etc. More precisely, this name resolution function will work like this:

  • If name is HEAD, it will just resolve .git/HEAD;
  • If name is a full hash, this hash is returned unmodified.
  • If name looks like a short hash, it will collect objects whose full hash begin with this short hash.
  • At last, it will resolve tags and branches matching name.

Notice how the last two steps collect values: the first two are absolute references, so we can safely return a result. But short hashes or branch names can be ambiguous, we want to enumerate all possible meanings of the name and raise an error if we’ve found more than 1.

Short hashes

For convenience, Git allows to refer to hashes by a prefix of their name. For example, 5bd254aa973646fa16f66d702a5826ea14a3eb45 can be referred to as 5bd254. This is called a “short hash”.

def object_resolve(repo, name):
    """Resolve name to an object hash in repo.

This function is aware of:

 - the HEAD literal
    - short and long hashes
    - tags
    - branches
    - remote branches"""
    candidates = list()
    hashRE = re.compile(r"^[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,40}$")

    # Empty string?  Abort.
    if not name.strip():
        return None

    # Head is nonambiguous
    if name == "HEAD":
        return [ ref_resolve(repo, "HEAD") ]

    # If it's a hex string, try for a hash.
    if hashRE.match(name):
        # This may be a hash, either small or full.  4 seems to be the
        # minimal length for git to consider something a short hash.
        # This limit is documented in man git-rev-parse
        name = name.lower()
        prefix = name[0:2]
        path = repo_dir(repo, "objects", prefix, mkdir=False)
        if path:
            rem = name[2:]
            for f in os.listdir(path):
                if f.startswith(rem):
                    # Notice a string startswith() itself, so this
                    # works for full hashes.
                    candidates.append(prefix + f)

    # Try for references.
    as_tag = ref_resolve(repo, "refs/tags/" + name)
    if as_tag: # Did we find a tag?

    as_branch = ref_resolve(repo, "refs/heads/" + name)
    if as_branch: # Did we find a branch?

    return candidates

The second step is to follow the object we found to an object of the required type, if a type argument was provided. Since we only need to handle trivial cases, this is a very simple iterative process:

  • If we have a tag and fmt is anything else, we follow the tag.
  • If we have a commit and fmt is tree, we return this commit’s tree object
  • In all other situations, we bail out: nothing else makes sense.

(The process is iterative because it may take an undefined number of steps, since tags themselves can be tagged)

def object_find(repo, name, fmt=None, follow=True):
      sha = object_resolve(repo, name)

      if not sha:
          raise Exception("No such reference {0}.".format(name))

      if len(sha) > 1:
          raise Exception("Ambiguous reference {0}: Candidates are:\n - {1}.".format(name,  "\n - ".join(sha)))

      sha = sha[0]

      if not fmt:
          return sha

      while True:
          obj = object_read(repo, sha)
          #     ^^^^^^^^^^^ < this is a bit agressive: we're reading
          # the full object just to get its type.  And we're doing
          # that in a loop, albeit normally short.  Don't expect
          # high performance here.

          if obj.fmt == fmt:
              return sha

          if not follow:
              return None

          # Follow tags
          if obj.fmt == b'tag':
                sha = obj.kvlm[b'object'].decode("ascii")
          elif obj.fmt == b'commit' and fmt == b'tree':
                sha = obj.kvlm[b'tree'].decode("ascii")
              return None

With the new object_find(), the CLI wyag becomes a bit more usable. You can now do things like:

$ wyag checkout v3.11 # A tag
$ wyag checkout feature/explosions # A branch
$ wyag ls-tree -r HEAD # The active branch or commit.  There's also a
                       # follow here: HEAD is actually a commit.
$ wyag cat-file blob e0695f # A short hash
$ wyag cat-file tree master # A branch, as a tree (another "follow")

7.6.2. The rev-parse command

Let’s implement wyag rev-parse. The git rev-parse commands does a lot, but one of its use cases, the one we’re going to clone, is solving references. For the purpose of further testing the “follow” feature of object_find, we’ll add an optional wyag-type argument to its interface.

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser(
    help="Parse revision (or other objects) identifiers")

                   choices=["blob", "commit", "tag", "tree"],
                   help="Specify the expected type")

                   help="The name to parse")

The bridge does all the job:

def cmd_rev_parse(args):
    if args.type:
        fmt = args.type.encode()
        fmt = None

    repo = repo_find()

    print (object_find(repo, args.name, fmt, follow=True))

And it works:

$ wyag rev-parse --wyag-type commit HEAD
$ wyag rev-parse --wyag-type tree HEAD
$ wyag rev-parse --wyag-type tree HEAD

8. Working with the staging area and the index file

8.1. What’s the index file?

This final step will bring us to where commits happen (although actually creating them is for the next section!)

You probably know that to commit in Git, you first “stage” some changes, using git add and git rm, and only then do you commit those changes. This intermediate stage between the last and the next commit is called the staging area.

It would seem natural to use a commit or tree object to represent the staging area, but Git actually and uses a completely different mechanism, in the form of what it calls the index file.

After a commit, the index file is a sort of copy of that commit: it holds the same path/blob association than the corresponding tree. But it also holds extra information about files in the worktree, like their creation/modification time, so git status doesn’t often need to actually compare files: it just checks that their modification time is the same as the one stored in the index file, and only if it isn’t does it perform an actual comparison.

You can thus consider the index file as a three-way association list: not only paths with blobs, but also paths with actual filesystem entries.

Another important characteristic of the index file is that unlike a tree, it can represent inconsistent states, like a merge conflict, whereas a tree is always a complete, unambiguous representation.

When you commit, what git actually does is turn the index file into a new tree object. To summarize:

  1. When the repository is “clean”, the index file holds the exact same contents as the HEAD commit, plus metadata about the corresponding filesystem entries. For instance, it may contain something like:

    There’s a file called src/disp.c whose contents are blob 797441c76e59e28794458b39b0f1eff4c85f4fa0. The real src/disp.c file, in the worktree, was created on 2023-07-15 15:28:29.168572151, and last modified 2023-07-15 15:28:29.1689427709. It is stored on device 65026, inode 8922881.

  2. When you git add or git rm, the index file is modified accordingly. In the example above, if you modify src/disp.c, and add your changes, the index file will be updated with a new blob ID (the blob itself will also be created in the process, of course), and the various file metadata will be updated as well so git status knows when not to compare file contents.
  3. When you git commit those changes, a new tree is produced from the index file, a new commit object is generated with that tree, branches are updated and we’re done.

A note on words

The staging area and the index are thus the same thing, but the name “staging area” is more the name of the git user-exposed feature (that could have been implemented otherwise), the abstraction if you will; while “index file” refers specifically to the way this abstract feature is actually implemented in git.

8.2. Parsing the index

The index file is by far the most complicated piece of data a Git repository can hold. Its complete documentation can be found in Git source tree at Documentation/gitformat-index.txt; you can browse it on the Github mirror. It’s made of three parts:

  • An header with the format version number and the number of entries the index holds;
  • A series of entries, sorted, each representing a file; padded to multiple of 8 bytes.
  • A series of optional extensions, which we’ll ignore.

The first thing we need to represent is a single entry. It actually holds quite a lot of stuff, I’m leaving the details in comments. It’s worth observing that an entry stores both the SHA-1 of the associated blob in the object store and a ton of metadata about the actual file on the actual filesystem. Again, this is because git/wyag status will need to determine which files in the index were modified: it is much more efficient to begin by checking the last-modified timestamp and comparing it with a known values, before comparing actual files.

class GitIndexEntry (object):
    def __init__(self, ctime=None, mtime=None, dev=None, ino=None,
                 mode_type=None, mode_perms=None, uid=None, gid=None,
                 fsize=None, sha=None, flag_assume_valid=None,
                 flag_stage=None, name=None):
      # The last time a file's metadata changed.  This is a pair
      # (timestamp in seconds, nanoseconds)
      self.ctime = ctime
      # The last time a file's data changed.  This is a pair
      # (timestamp in seconds, nanoseconds)
      self.mtime = mtime
      # The ID of device containing this file
      self.dev = dev
      # The file's inode number
      self.ino = ino
      # The object type, either b1000 (regular), b1010 (symlink),
      # b1110 (gitlink).
      self.mode_type = mode_type
      # The object permissions, an integer.
      self.mode_perms = mode_perms
      # User ID of owner
      self.uid = uid
      # Group ID of ownner
      self.gid = gid
      # Size of this object, in bytes
      self.fsize = fsize
      # The object's SHA
      self.sha = sha
      self.flag_assume_valid = flag_assume_valid
      self.flag_stage = flag_stage
      # Name of the object (full path this time!)
      self.name = name

The index file is a binary file, likely for performance reasons. The format is reasonably simple, though. It begins with a header with the DIRC magic bytes, a version number and the total number of entries in that index file. We create the GitIndex class to hold them:

class GitIndex (object):
    version = None
    entries = []
    # ext = None
    # sha = None

    def __init__(self, version=2, entries=None):
        if not entries:
            entries = list()

        self.version = version
        self.entries = entries

And a parser to read index files into those objects. After reading the 12-bytes header, we just parse entries in the order they appear. An entry begins with a set of fixed-length data, followed by a variable-length name.

The code is quite straightforward, but as it’s reading a binary format, it feels more messy than what we did so far. We use the int.from_bytes(bytes, endianness) a lot to read raw bytes into an integer, and just a few bitwise operations to separate data that share the same byte.

(This format was probably designed so index files could just be mmapp()ed to memory, and read directly as C structs, with an index built in O(n) time in most cases. This kind of approach tends to produce more elegant code in C than in Python…)

def index_read(repo):
    index_file = repo_file(repo, "index")

    # New repositories have no index!
    if not os.path.exists(index_file):
        return GitIndex()

    with open(index_file, 'rb') as f:
        raw = f.read()

    header = raw[:12]
    signature = header[:4]
    assert signature == b"DIRC" # Stands for "DirCache"
    version = int.from_bytes(header[4:8], "big")
    assert version == 2, "wyag only supports index file version 2"
    count = int.from_bytes(header[8:12], "big")

    entries = list()

    content = raw[12:]
    idx = 0
    for i in range(0, count):
        # Read creation time, as a unix timestamp (seconds since
        # 1970-01-01 00:00:00, the "epoch")
        ctime_s =  int.from_bytes(content[idx: idx+4], "big")
        # Read creation time, as nanoseconds after that timestamps,
        # for extra precision.
        ctime_ns = int.from_bytes(content[idx+4: idx+8], "big")
        # Same for modification time: first seconds from epoch.
        mtime_s = int.from_bytes(content[idx+8: idx+12], "big")
        # Then extra nanoseconds
        mtime_ns = int.from_bytes(content[idx+12: idx+16], "big")
        # Device ID
        dev = int.from_bytes(content[idx+16: idx+20], "big")
        # Inode
        ino = int.from_bytes(content[idx+20: idx+24], "big")
        # Ignored.
        unused = int.from_bytes(content[idx+24: idx+26], "big")
        assert 0 == unused
        mode = int.from_bytes(content[idx+26: idx+28], "big")
        mode_type = mode >> 12
        assert mode_type in [0b1000, 0b1010, 0b1110]
        mode_perms = mode & 0b0000000111111111
        # User ID
        uid = int.from_bytes(content[idx+28: idx+32], "big")
        # Group ID
        gid = int.from_bytes(content[idx+32: idx+36], "big")
        # Size
        fsize = int.from_bytes(content[idx+36: idx+40], "big")
        # SHA (object ID).  We'll store it as a lowercase hex string
        # for consistency.
        sha = format(int.from_bytes(content[idx+40: idx+60], "big"), "040x")
        # Flags we're going to ignore
        flags = int.from_bytes(content[idx+60: idx+62], "big")
        # Parse flags
        flag_assume_valid = (flags & 0b1000000000000000) != 0
        flag_extended = (flags & 0b0100000000000000) != 0
        assert not flag_extended
        flag_stage =  flags & 0b0011000000000000
        # Length of the name.  This is stored on 12 bits, some max
        # value is 0xFFF, 4095.  Since names can occasionally go
        # beyond that length, git treats 0xFFF as meaning at least
        # 0xFFF, and looks for the final 0x00 to find the end of the
        # name --- at a small, and probably very rare, performance
        # cost.
        name_length = flags & 0b0000111111111111

        # We've read 62 bytes so far.
        idx += 62

        if name_length < 0xFFF:
            assert content[idx + name_length] == 0x00
            raw_name = content[idx:idx+name_length]
            idx += name_length + 1
            print("Notice: Name is 0x{:X} bytes long.".format(name_length))
            # This probably wasn't tested enough.  It works with a
            # path of exactly 0xFFF bytes.  Any extra bytes broke
            # something between git, my shell and my filesystem.
            null_idx = content.find(b'\x00', idx + 0xFFF)
            raw_name = content[idx: null_idx]
            idx = null_idx + 1

        # Just parse the name as utf8.
        name = raw_name.decode("utf8")

        # Data is padded on multiples of eight bytes for pointer
        # alignment, so we skip as many bytes as we need for the next
        # read to start at the right position.

        idx = 8 * ceil(idx / 8)

        # And we add this entry to our list.
        entries.append(GitIndexEntry(ctime=(ctime_s, ctime_ns),
                                     mtime=(mtime_s,  mtime_ns),

    return GitIndex(version=version, entries=entries)

8.3. The ls-files command

git ls-files displays the names of files in the staging area, with, as usual, a ton of options. Our ls-files will be much simpler, but we’ll add a --verbose option that doesn’t exist in git, just so we can display every single bit of info in the index file.

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("ls-files", help = "List all the stage files")
argsp.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Show everything.")

def cmd_ls_files(args):
  repo = repo_find()
  index = index_read(repo)
  if args.verbose:
    print("Index file format v{}, containing {} entries.".format(index.version, len(index.entries)))

  for e in index.entries:
    if args.verbose:
      print("  {} with perms: {:o}".format(
        { 0b1000: "regular file",
          0b1010: "symlink",
          0b1110: "git link" }[e.mode_type],
      print("  on blob: {}".format(e.sha))
      print("  created: {}.{}, modified: {}.{}".format(
        , e.ctime[1]
        , datetime.fromtimestamp(e.mtime[0])
        , e.mtime[1]))
      print("  device: {}, inode: {}".format(e.dev, e.ino))
      print("  user: {} ({})  group: {} ({})".format(
      print("  flags: stage={} assume_valid={}".format(

If you run ls-files, you’ll notice that on a “clean” worktree (an unmodified checkout of HEAD), it lists all files on HEAD. Again, the index is not a delta (a set of differences) from the HEAD commit, but starts as a copy of it, in a different format.

8.4. A detour: the check-ignore command

We want to write status, but status needs to know about ignore rules, that are stored in the various .gitignore files. So we first need to add some rudimentary support for ignore files in wyag. We’ll expose this support as the check-ignore command, which takes a list of paths and outputs back those of those paths that should be ignored.

Again, the command parser is trivial:

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("check-ignore", help = "Check path(s) against ignore rules.")
argsp.add_argument("path", nargs="+", help="Paths to check")

And the function is just as simple:

def cmd_check_ignore(args):
  repo = repo_find()
  rules = gitignore_read(repo)
  for path in args.path:
      if check_ignore(rules, path):

But of course, most of the function we call don’t exist yet in wyag. We’ll begin by writing a reader for rules in ignore files, gitignore_read(). The syntax of those rules is quite simple: each line in an ignore file is an exclusion pattern, so files that match this pattern are ignored by status, add -A and so on. There are three special cases, though:

  1. Lines that begin with an exclamation mark ! negate the pattern (files that match this pattern are included, even they were ignored by an earlier pattern)
  2. Lines that begin with a dash # are comments, and are skipped.
  3. A backslash \ at the beginning treats ! and # as literal characters.

First, a parser for a single pattern. This parser returns a pair: the pattern itself, and a boolean to indicate if files matching the pattern should be excluded (True) or included (False). In other words, False if the pattern did start with !, True otherwise.

def gitignore_parse1(raw):
    raw = raw.strip() # Remove leading/trailing spaces

    if not raw or raw[0] == "#":
        return None
    elif raw[0] == "!":
        return (raw[1:], False)
    elif raw[0] == "\\":
        return (raw[1:], True)
        return (raw, True)

Parsing a file is just collecting all rules in that file. Notice this function doesn’t parse files, but just lists of lines: that’s because we’ll need to read rules from git blobs as well, and not just regular files.

def gitignore_parse(lines):
    ret = list()

    for line in lines:
        parsed = gitignore_parse1(line)
        if parsed:

    return ret

Last thing we need to do is collect the various ignore files. They come in two kinds:

  • Some of these files live in the index: they’re the various gitignore files. Emphasis on the plural; although there often is only one such file, at the root, there can be one in each directory, and it applies to this directory and its subdirectories. I’ll call those scoped, because they only apply to paths under their directory.
  • The others live outside the index. They’re the global ignore file (usually in ~/.config/git/ignore) and the repository-specific .git/info/exclude. I call those absolute, because they apply everywhere, but at a lower priority.

Again, a class to hold that: a list of absolute rules, a dict (hashmap) of relative rules. The keys to this hashmap are directories, relative to the root of a worktree.

class GitIgnore(object):
    absolute = None
    scoped = None

    def __init__(self, absolute, scoped):
        self.absolute = absolute
        self.scoped = scoped

And finally our function to collect all gitignore rules in a repository, and return a GitIgnore object. Notice how it reads scoped files from the index, and not the worktree: only staged .gitignore files matter (also remember: HEAD is already staged — the staging area is a copy, not a delta).

def gitignore_read(repo):
    ret = GitIgnore(absolute=list(), scoped=dict())

    # Read local configuration in .git/info/exclude
    repo_file = os.path.join(repo.gitdir, "info/exclude")
    if os.path.exists(repo_file):
        with open(repo_file, "r") as f:

    # Global configuration
    if "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" in os.environ:
        config_home = os.environ["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"]
        config_home = os.path.expanduser("~/.config")
    global_file = os.path.join(config_home, "git/ignore")

    if os.path.exists(global_file):
        with open(global_file, "r") as f:

    # .gitignore files in the index
    index = index_read(repo)

    for entry in index.entries:
        if entry.name == ".gitignore" or entry.name.endswith("/.gitignore"):
            dir_name = os.path.dirname(entry.name)
            contents = object_read(repo, entry.sha)
            lines = contents.blobdata.decode("utf8").splitlines()
            ret.scoped[dir_name] = gitignore_parse(lines)
    return ret

We’re almost there. To tie everything together, we need the check_ignore function that matches a path, relative to the root of a worktree, against a set of rules. This is how this function will work:

  • It will first try to match this path against the scoped rules. It will do this from the deepest parent of the path to the farthest. That is, if the path is src/support/w32/legacy/sound.c~, it will first look for rules in src/support/w32/legacy/.gitignore, then src/support/w32/.gitignore, src/support/.gitignore, and so on up to simply .gitignore" at the root.
  • If nothing matches, it will continue with the absolute rules.

We write three small support functions. One to match a path against a set of rules, and return the result of the last matching rule. Notice how it’s not a real boolean functions, since it has three possible return values: True, False but also None. It returns None if nothing matched, so the caller knows it should continue trying with more general ignore files (eg, go one directory level up).

def check_ignore1(rules, path):
    result = None
    for (pattern, value) in rules:
        if fnmatch(path, pattern):
            result = value
    return result

A function to match against the dictionary of scoped rules (the various .gitignore files). It just starts at the path’s directory then moves up to the parent directory, recursively, until it has tested root. Notice that this function (and the next two as well), never breaks inside a given .gitignore file. Even if a rule matches, they keep going through the file, because another rule there may negate reverse the effect (rules are processed in order, so if you want to exclude *.c but not generator.c, the general rule must come before the specific one). But as soon as at least one rule matched in a file, we drop the remaining files, because a more general file never cancels the effect of a more specific one (this is why check_ignore1 is ternary and not boolean)

def check_ignore_scoped(rules, path):
    parent = os.path.dirname(path)
    while True:
        if parent in rules:
            result = check_ignore1(rules[parent], path)
            if result != None:
                return result
        if parent == "":
        parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
    return None

A much simpler function to match against the list of absolute rules. Notice that the order we push those rules to the list matters (we did read the repository rules before the global ones!)

def check_ignore_absolute(rules, path):
    parent = os.path.dirname(path)
    for ruleset in rules:
        result = check_ignore1(ruleset, path)
        if result != None:
            return result
    return False # This is a reasonable default at this point.

And finally, a function to bind them all.

def check_ignore(rules, path):
    if os.path.isabs(path):
        raise Exception("This function requires path to be relative to the repository's root")

    result = check_ignore_scoped(rules.scoped, path)
    if result != None:
        return result

    return check_ignore_absolute(rules.absolute, path)

You can now call wyag check-ignore. On its own source tree:

$ wyag check-ignore hello.el hello.elc hello.html wyag.zip wyag.tar

This is only an approximation

This isn’t a perfect reimplementation. In particular, excluding whole directories with a rule that’s only the directory name (eg __pycache__) won’t work, because fnmatch would want the pattern as __pycache__/**. If you really want to play with ignore rules, this may be a good starting point.

8.5. The status command

status is more complex than ls-files, because it needs to compare the index with both HEAD and the actual filesystem. You call git status to know which files were added, removed or modified since the last commit, and which of these changes are actually staged, and will make it to the next commit. So status actually compares the HEAD with the staging area, and the staging area with the worktree. This is what its output looks like:

On branch master

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
	modified:   write-yourself-a-git.org

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
	modified:   write-yourself-a-git.org

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

We’ll implement status in three parts: first the active branch or “detached HEAD”, then the difference between the index and the worktree (“Changes not staged for commit”), then the difference between HEAD and the index (“Changes to be committed” and “Untracked files”).

The public interface is dead simple, our status will take no argument:

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("status", help = "Show the working tree status.")

And the bridge function just calls the three component functions in order:

def cmd_status(_):
    repo = repo_find()
    index = index_read(repo)

    cmd_status_head_index(repo, index)
    cmd_status_index_worktree(repo, index)

8.5.1. Finding the active branch

First we need to know if we’re on a branch, and if so which one. We do this by just looking at .git/HEAD. It should contain either an hexadecimal ID (a ref to a commit, in detached HEAD state), or an indirect reference to something in refs/heads/: the active branch. We either return its name, or False.

def branch_get_active(repo):
    with open(repo_file(repo, "HEAD"), "r") as f:
        head = f.read()

    if head.startswith("ref: refs/heads/"):
        return False

Based on this, we can write the first of the three cmd_status_* functions the bridge calls. This one prints the name of the active branch, or the hash of the detached HEAD:

def cmd_status_branch(repo):
    branch = branch_get_active(repo)
    if branch:
        print("On branch {}.".format(branch))
        print("HEAD detached at {}".format (object_find(repo, "HEAD")))

8.5.2. Finding changes between HEAD and index

The second block of the status output is the “changes to be committed”, that is, how the staging area differs from HEAD. To do this, we’re going first to read the HEAD tree, and flatten it as a single dict (hashmap) with full paths as keys, so it’s closer to the (flat) index associating paths to blobs. Then we’ll just compare them and output their differences.

First, a function to convert a tree (recursive, remember) to a (flat) dict. And since trees are recursive, so the function itself is, again — sorry about that :)

def tree_to_dict(repo, ref, prefix=""):
  ret = dict()
  tree_sha = object_find(repo, ref, fmt=b"tree")
  tree = object_read(repo, tree_sha)

  for leaf in tree.items:
      full_path = os.path.join(prefix, leaf.path)

      # We read the object to extract its type (this is uselessly
      # expensive: we could just open it as a file and read the
      # first few bytes)
      is_subtree = leaf.mode.startswith(b'04')

      # Depending on the type, we either store the path (if it's a
      # blob, so a regular file), or recurse (if it's another tree,
      # so a subdir)
      if is_subtree:
        ret.update(tree_to_dict(repo, leaf.sha, full_path))
        ret[full_path] = leaf.sha

  return ret

And the command itself:

def cmd_status_head_index(repo, index):
    print("Changes to be committed:")

    head = tree_to_dict(repo, "HEAD")
    for entry in index.entries:
        if entry.name in head:
            if head[entry.name] != entry.sha:
                print("  modified:", entry.name)
            del head[entry.name] # Delete the key
            print("  added:   ", entry.name)

    # Keys still in HEAD are files that we haven't met in the index,
    # and thus have been deleted.
    for entry in head.keys():
        print("  deleted: ", entry)

8.5.3. Finding changes between index and worktree

def cmd_status_index_worktree(repo, index):
    print("Changes not staged for commit:")

    ignore = gitignore_read(repo)

    gitdir_prefix = repo.gitdir + os.path.sep

    all_files = list()

    # We begin by walking the filesystem
    for (root, _, files) in os.walk(repo.worktree, True):
        if root==repo.gitdir or root.startswith(gitdir_prefix):
        for f in files:
            full_path = os.path.join(root, f)
            rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, repo.worktree)

    # We now traverse the index, and compare real files with the cached
    # versions.

    for entry in index.entries:
        full_path = os.path.join(repo.worktree, entry.name)

        # That file *name* is in the index

        if not os.path.exists(full_path):
            print("  deleted: ", entry.name)
            stat = os.stat(full_path)

            # Compare metadata
            ctime_ns = entry.ctime[0] * 10**9 + entry.ctime[1]
            mtime_ns = entry.mtime[0] * 10**9 + entry.mtime[1]
            if (stat.st_ctime_ns != ctime_ns) or (stat.st_mtime_ns != mtime_ns):
                # If different, deep compare.
                # @FIXME This *will* crash on symlinks to dir.
                with open(full_path, "rb") as fd:
                    new_sha = object_hash(fd, b"blob", None)
                    # If the hashes are the same, the files are actually the same.
                    same = entry.sha == new_sha

                    if not same:
                        print("  modified:", entry.name)

        if entry.name in all_files:

    print("Untracked files:")

    for f in all_files:
        # @TODO If a full directory is untracked, we should display
        # its name without its contents.
        if not check_ignore(ignore, f):
            print(" ", f)

Our status function is done. It should output something like:

$ wyag status
On branch main.
Changes to be committed:
  added:    src/main.c

Changes not staged for commit:
  modified: build.py
  deleted:  README.org

Untracked files:

The real status is a lot smarter: it can detect renames, for example, where ours cannot. Another significant difference worth mentioning is that git status actually writes the index back if a file metadata was modified, but not its content. You can see it with our special ls-files:

$ wyag ls-files --verbose
Index file format v2, containing 1 entries.
  regular file with perms: 644
  on blob: f2f279981ce01b095c42ee7162aadf60185c8f67
  created: 2023-07-18 18:26:15.771460869, modified: 2023-07-18 18:26:15.771460869
$ touch file
$ git status > /dev/null
$ wyag ls-files --verbose
Index file format v2, containing 1 entries.
  regular file with perms: 644
  on blob: f2f279981ce01b095c42ee7162aadf60185c8f67
  created: 2023-07-18 18:26:41.421743098, modified: 2023-07-18 18:26:41.421743098

Notice how both timestamps, from the index file, were updated by git status to reflect the changes in the real file’s metadata.

9. Staging area and index, part 2: staging and committing

OK. Let’s create commits.

We have almost everything we need for that, except for three last things:

  1. We need commands to modify the index, so our commits aren’t just a copy of their parent. Those commands are add and rm.
  2. These commands need to write the modified index back, since we commit from the index.
  3. And obviously, we’ll need the commit function and its associated wyag commit command.

9.1. Writing the index

We’ll start by writing the index. Roughly, we’re just serializing everything back to binary. This is a bit tedious, but the code should be straightforward. I’m leaving the gory details for the comments, but it’s really just index_read in reverse — refer to it if needed, and the GitIndexEntry class.

def index_write(repo, index):
    with open(repo_file(repo, "index"), "wb") as f:

        # HEADER

        # Write the magic bytes.
        # Write version number.
        f.write(index.version.to_bytes(4, "big"))
        # Write the number of entries.
        f.write(len(index.entries).to_bytes(4, "big"))

        # ENTRIES

        idx = 0
        for e in index.entries:
            f.write(e.ctime[0].to_bytes(4, "big"))
            f.write(e.ctime[1].to_bytes(4, "big"))
            f.write(e.mtime[0].to_bytes(4, "big"))
            f.write(e.mtime[1].to_bytes(4, "big"))
            f.write(e.dev.to_bytes(4, "big"))
            f.write(e.ino.to_bytes(4, "big"))

            # Mode
            mode = (e.mode_type << 12) | e.mode_perms
            f.write(mode.to_bytes(4, "big"))

            f.write(e.uid.to_bytes(4, "big"))
            f.write(e.gid.to_bytes(4, "big"))

            f.write(e.fsize.to_bytes(4, "big"))
            # @FIXME Convert back to int.
            f.write(int(e.sha, 16).to_bytes(20, "big"))

            flag_assume_valid = 0x1 << 15 if e.flag_assume_valid else 0

            name_bytes = e.name.encode("utf8")
            bytes_len = len(name_bytes)
            if bytes_len >= 0xFFF:
                name_length = 0xFFF
                name_length = bytes_len

            # We merge back three pieces of data (two flags and the
            # length of the name) on the same two bytes.
            f.write((flag_assume_valid | e.flag_stage | name_length).to_bytes(2, "big"))

            # Write back the name, and a final 0x00.
            f.write((0).to_bytes(1, "big"))

            idx += 62 + len(name_bytes) + 1

            # Add padding if necessary.
            if idx % 8 != 0:
                pad = 8 - (idx % 8)
                f.write((0).to_bytes(pad, "big"))
                idx += pad

9.2. The rm command

The easiest change we can do to an index is to remove an entry from it, which mean that the next commit won’t include this file. This is what the git rm command does.

git rm is destructive, and so is wyag rm. The command not only modifies the index, it also removes file(s) from the worktree. Unlike git, wyag rm doesn’t care if the file it removes isn’t saved. Proceed with caution.

rm takes a single argument, a list of paths to remove:

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("rm", help="Remove files from the working tree and the index.")
argsp.add_argument("path", nargs="+", help="Files to remove")

def cmd_rm(args):
  repo = repo_find()
  rm(repo, args.path)

The rm function is a bit long, but it’s very simple. It takes a repository and a list of paths, reads that repository index, and removes entries in the index that match this list. The optional arguments control whether the function should actually delete the files, and whether it should abort if some paths aren’t present on the index (both those arguments are for the use of add, they’re not exposed in the wyag rm command).

def rm(repo, paths, delete=True, skip_missing=False):
  # Find and read the index
  index = index_read(repo)

  worktree = repo.worktree + os.sep

  # Make paths absolute
  abspaths = list()
  for path in paths:
    abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
    if abspath.startswith(worktree):
      raise Exception("Cannot remove paths outside of worktree: {}".format(paths))

  kept_entries = list()
  remove = list()

  for e in index.entries:
    full_path = os.path.join(repo.worktree, e.name)

    if full_path in abspaths:
      kept_entries.append(e) # Preserve entry

  if len(abspaths) > 0 and not skip_missing:
    raise Exception("Cannot remove paths not in the index: {}".format(abspaths))

  if delete:
    for path in remove:

  index.entries = kept_entries
  index_write(repo, index)

And we can now delete files with wyag rm.

9.3. The add command

Adding is just a bit more complex than removing, but nothing we don’t already know. Staging a file to a three-steps operation:

  1. We begin by removing the existing index entry, if there’s one, without removing the file itself (this is why the rm function we just wrote has those optional arguments).
  2. We then hash the file into a glob object,
  3. create its entry,
  4. And of course, finally write the modified index back.

First, the interface. Nothing surprising, wyag add PATH ... where PATH is one or more file(s) to stage. The bridge is as boring as can be.

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("add", help = "Add files contents to the index.")
argsp.add_argument("path", nargs="+", help="Files to add")

def cmd_add(args):
  repo = repo_find()
  add(repo, args.path)

The main difference with rm is that add needs to create an index entry. This isn’t hard: we just stat() the file and copy the metadata in the index’s field (stat() returns those metadata the index stores: creation/modification time, and so on)

def add(repo, paths, delete=True, skip_missing=False):

  # First remove all paths from the index, if they exist.
  rm (repo, paths, delete=False, skip_missing=True)

  worktree = repo.worktree + os.sep

  # Convert the paths to pairs: (absolute, relative_to_worktree).
  # Also delete them from the index if they're present.
  clean_paths = list()
  for path in paths:
    abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
    if not (abspath.startswith(worktree) and os.path.isfile(abspath)):
      raise Exception("Not a file, or outside the worktree: {}".format(paths))
    relpath = os.path.relpath(abspath, repo.worktree)
    clean_paths.append((abspath,  relpath))

    # Find and read the index.  It was modified by rm.  (This isn't
    # optimal, good enough for wyag!)
    # @FIXME, though: we could just
    # move the index through commands instead of reading and writing
    # it over again.
    index = index_read(repo)

    for (abspath, relpath) in clean_paths:
      with open(abspath, "rb") as fd:
        sha = object_hash(fd, b"blob", repo)

      stat = os.stat(abspath)

      ctime_s = int(stat.st_ctime)
      ctime_ns = stat.st_ctime_ns % 10**9
      mtime_s = int(stat.st_mtime)
      mtime_ns = stat.st_mtime_ns % 10**9

      entry = GitIndexEntry(ctime=(ctime_s, ctime_ns), mtime=(mtime_s, mtime_ns), dev=stat.st_dev, ino=stat.st_ino,
                            mode_type=0b1000, mode_perms=0o644, uid=stat.st_uid, gid=stat.st_gid,
                            fsize=stat.st_size, sha=sha, flag_assume_valid=False,
                            flag_stage=False, name=relpath)

    # Write the index back
    index_write(repo, index)

9.4. The commit command

Now that we have modified the index, so actually staged changes, we only need to turn those changes into a commit. That’s what commit does.

argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("commit", help="Record changes to the repository.")

                   help="Message to associate with this commit.")

To do so, we first need to convert the index into a tree object, generate and store the corresponding commit object, and update the HEAD branch to the new commit (remember: a branch is just a ref to a commit).

Before we get to the interesting details, we will need to read git’s config to get the name of the user, which we’ll use as the author and committer. We’ll use the same configparser library we’ve used to read repo’s config.

def gitconfig_read():
    xdg_config_home = os.environ["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] if "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" in os.environ else "~/.config"
    configfiles = [
        os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(xdg_config_home, "git/config")),

    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    return config

And just a simple function to grab, and format, the user identity:

def gitconfig_user_get(config):
    if "user" in config:
        if "name" in config["user"] and "email" in config["user"]:
            return "{} <{}>".format(config["user"]["name"], config["user"]["email"])
    return None

Now for the interesting part. We first need to build a tree from the index. This isn’t hard, but notice that while the index is flat (it stores full paths for the whole worktree), a tree is a recursive structure: it lists files, or other trees. To “unflatten” the index into a tree, we’re going to:

  1. Build a dictionary (hashmap) of directories. Keys are full paths from worktree root (like assets/sprites/monsters/), values are list of GitIndexEntry — files in the directory. At this point, our dictionary only contains files: directories are only its keys.
  2. Traverse this list, going bottom-up, that is, from the deepest directories up to root (depth doesn’t really matter: we just want to see each directory before its parent. To do that, we just sort them by full path length, from longest to shortest — parents are obviously always shorter). As an example, imagine we start at assets/sprites/monsters/
  3. At each directory, we build a tree with its contents, say cacodemon.png, imp.png and baron-of-hell.png.
  4. We write the new tree to the repository.
  5. We then add this tree to this directory’s parent. Meaning that at this point, assets/sprites/ now contains our new tree object’s SHA-1 id under the name monsters.
  6. And we iterate over the next directory, let’s say assets/sprites/keys where we find red.png, blue.png and yellow.png, create a tree, store the tree, add the tree’s SHA-1 under the name keys under assets/sprites/, and so on.

And since trees are recursive? So the last tree we’ll build, which is necessarily the one for root (since its key’s length is 0), will ultimately refer to all others, and thus will be only one we’ll need. We’ll simply return its SHA-1, and be done.

Since this may seem a bit complex, let’s work this example in full details — feel free to skip. At the beginning, the dictionary we built from the index looks like this:

contents["assets/sprites/monsters"] =
  [ cacodemon.png : GitIndexEntry
  , imp.png : GitIndexEntry
  , baron-of-hell.png : GitIndexEntry ]
contents["assets/sprites/keys"] =
  [ red.png : GitIndexEntry
  , blue.png : GitIndexEntry
  , yellow.png : GitIndexEntry ]
contents["assets/sprites/"] =
  [ hero.png : GitIndexEntry ]
contents["assets/"] = [] # No files in here
contents[""] = # Root!
  [ README: GitIndexEntry ]

We iterate over it, by order of descending key length. The first key we meet is the longest, so assets/sprites/monsters. We build a new tree object from its contents, which associates the three file names (cacodemon.png, imp.png, baron-of-hell.png) with their corresponding blobs (A tree leaf stores less data than the index — just path, mode and blob. So converting entries that way is easy)

Notice we don’t need to concern ourselves with storing the contents of those files: wyag add did create the corresponding blobs as needed. We need to store the trees we create to the object store, but we can assume the blobs are there already.

Let’s say that our new tree hashes, made from the index entries that lived directly in assets/sprites/monsters, hashes down to 426f894781bc3c38f1d26f8fd2c7f38ab8d21763. We modify our dictionary to add that new tree object to the directory’s parent, like this, so what remains to traverse now looks like this:

contents["assets/sprites/keys"] = # <- unmodified.
  [ red.png : GitIndexEntry
  , blue.png : GitIndexEntry
  , yellow.png : GitIndexEntry ]
contents["assets/sprites/"] =
  [ hero.png : GitIndexEntry
  , monsters : Tree 426f894781bc3c38f1d26f8fd2c7f38ab8d21763 ] <- look here
contents["assets/"] = [] # empty
contents[""] = # Root!
  [ README: GitIndexEntry ]

We do the same for the next longest key, assets/sprites/keys, producing a tree of hash b42788e087b1e94a0e69dcb7a4a243eaab802bb2, so:

contents["assets/sprites/"] =
  [ hero.png : GitIndexEntry
  ,  monsters : Tree 426f894781bc3c38f1d26f8fd2c7f38ab8d21763
  , keys : Tree b42788e087b1e94a0e69dcb7a4a243eaab802bb2 ]
contents["assets/"] = [] # empty
contents[""] = # Root!
  [ README: GitIndexEntry ]

We then generate tree 6364113557ed681d775ccbd3c90895ed276956a2 from assets/sprites, which now contains our two trees and hero.png.

contents["assets/"] = [
  sprites: Tree 6364113557ed681d775ccbd3c90895ed276956a2 ]
contents[""] = # Root!
  [ README: GitIndexEntry ]

Assets in turn becomes tree 4d35513cb6d2a816bc00505be926624440ebbddd, so:

contents[""] = # Root!
  [ README: GitIndexEntry,
    assets: 4d35513cb6d2a816bc00505be926624440ebbddd]

We make a tree from that last key (with the README blob and the assets subtree), it hashes to 9352e52ff58fa9bf5a750f090af64c09fa6a3d93. That’s our return value: the tree whose contents are the same as the index’s.

Here’s the actual function:

def tree_from_index(repo, index):
    contents = dict()
    contents[""] = list()

    # Enumerate entries, and turn them into a dictionary where keys
    # are directories, and values are lists of directory contents.
    for entry in index.entries:
        dirname = os.path.dirname(entry.name)

        # We create all dictonary entries up to root ("").  We need
        # them *all*, because even if a directory holds no files it
        # will contain at least a tree.
        key = dirname
        while key != "":
            if not key in contents:
                contents[key] = list()
            key = os.path.dirname(key)

        # For now, simply store the entry in the list.

    # Get keys (= directories) and sort them by length, descending.
    # This means that we'll always encounter a given path before its
    # parent, which is all we need, since for each directory D we'll
    # need to modify its parent P to add D's tree.
    sorted_paths = sorted(contents.keys(), key=len, reverse=True)

    # This variable will store the current tree's SHA-1.  After we're
    # done iterating over our dict, it will contain the hash for the
    # root tree.
    sha = None

    # We ge through the sorted list of paths (dict keys)
    for path in sorted_paths:
        # Prepare a new, empty tree object
        tree = GitTree()

        # Add each entry to our new tree, in turn
        for entry in contents[path]:
            # An entry can be a normal GitIndexEntry read from the
            # index, or a tree we've created.
            if isinstance(entry, GitIndexEntry): # Regular entry (a file)

                # We transcode the mode: the entry stores it as integers,
                # we need an octal ASCII representation for the tree.
                leaf_mode = "{:02o}{:04o}".format(entry.mode_type, entry.mode_perms).encode("ascii")
                leaf = GitTreeLeaf(mode = leaf_mode, path=os.path.basename(entry.name), sha=entry.sha)
            else: # Tree.  We've stored it as a pair: (basename, SHA)
                leaf = GitTreeLeaf(mode = b"040000", path=entry[0], sha=entry[1])


        # Write the new tree object to the store.
        sha = object_write(tree, repo)

        # Add the new tree hash to the current dictionary's parent, as
        # a pair (basename, SHA)
        parent = os.path.dirname(path)
        base = os.path.basename(path) # The name without the path, eg main.go for src/main.go
        contents[parent].append((base, sha))

    return sha

This was the hard part; I hope it’s clear enough. From this, creating the commit object and updating HEAD will be way easier. Just remember that what this function does is built and store as many tree objects as needed to represent the index, and return the root tree’s SHA-1.

The function to create a commit object is simple enough, it just takes some arguments: the hash of the tree, the hash of the parent commit, the author’s identity (a string), the timestamp and timezone delta, and the message:

def commit_create(repo, tree, parent, author, timestamp, message):
    commit = GitCommit() # Create the new commit object.
    commit.kvlm[b"tree"] = tree.encode("ascii")
    if parent:
        commit.kvlm[b"parent"] = parent.encode("ascii")

    # Format timezone
    offset = int(timestamp.astimezone().utcoffset().total_seconds())
    hours = offset // 3600
    minutes = (offset % 3600) // 60
    tz = "{}{:02}{:02}".format("+" if offset > 0 else "-", hours, minutes)

    author = author + timestamp.strftime(" %s ") + tz

    commit.kvlm[b"author"] = author.encode("utf8")
    commit.kvlm[b"committer"] = author.encode("utf8")
    commit.kvlm[None] = message.encode("utf8")

    return object_write(commit, repo)

All what remains to write is cmd_commit, the bridge function to the wyag commit command:

def cmd_commit(args):
    repo = repo_find()
    index = index_read(repo)
    # Create trees, grab back SHA for the root tree.
    tree = tree_from_index(repo, index)

    # Create the commit object itself
    commit = commit_create(repo,
                           object_find(repo, "HEAD"),

    # Update HEAD so our commit is now the tip of the active branch.
    active_branch = branch_get_active(repo)
    if active_branch: # If we're on a branch, we update refs/heads/BRANCH
        with open(repo_file(repo, os.path.join("refs/heads", active_branch)), "w") as fd:
            fd.write(commit + "\n")
    else: # Otherwise, we update HEAD itself.
        with open(repo_file(repo, "HEAD"), "w") as fd:

And we’re done!

10. Final words

10.1. Comments, feedback and issues

This page has no comment system :) I can be reached by e-mail at thibault@thb.lt. I can also be found on Mastodon as @thblt@toad.social and on Twitter as @ThbPlg, and on IRC (sometimes) as thblt on Libera.

The source for this article is hosted on Github. Issue reports and pull requests are welcome, either directly on GitHub or through e-mail if you prefer.

10.2. License

This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. The program itself is also licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 3.0, or, at your option, any later version of the same licence.



You may know that collisions have been discovered in SHA-1. Git actually doesn’t use SHA-1 anymore: it uses a hardened variant which is not SHA, but which applies the same hash to every known input but the two PDF files known to collide.

Author: Thibault Polge

Created: 2024-10-20 dim. 17:42
